When It All Falls Apart

I’m all about small digestible content, so I created this mini-course for anyone who doesn’t know where to start while experiencing emotionally painful situations. This is a beginner course for those of you just starting out on your mental health journey and need guidance. It comes with 2 quizzes, a 26-page e-book, and printable journal page with words of affirmation. Also included is a free copy of Rooted: Fifty-Two Weeks of Intention guided journal that sells for $15 in the Sustainable Shop.

  • Introduction

    1 Lesson
  • Quiz 1 Emotional Intelligence

    1 Lesson
  • When It All Falls Apart Reading Material

    1 Lesson
  • End of Course Quiz

    1 Lesson
  • Journal and Affirmations

    1 Lesson
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Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳


Maybe you’re brand new to the expansive realm of mental health. Maybe you’ve already gotten your feet wet and are just curious. Maybe you’re an expert and can teach me a thing or two! Whatever your reason for being here, welcome!

What you’ll learn

  • With a quiz at the beginning to test your baseline understanding and content throughout the course, you'll not only understand YOUR emotional intelligence, you'll also grow it!

  • As humans, we have an amazing array of feelings. But we don't always have the tools to express or understand them. This course will help you become more in tune with and steer yourself in the right direction when it comes to this.

  • From the beginning stages when you're feeling your absolute worst to the end when you see the light at the end of the tunnel, there are tools peppered throughout the short course to get you back on track and to stay there!

Course FAQ

  • A resounding YES! This is a short and easy to digest course specifically designed for people like you.

  • When It All Falls Apart is a one time fee of $95 and is non-refundable.

  • It all depends on your healing journey. If you're just curious and want to gain a little insight, this course could take you less than a day. If you're going through a tough time and need guidance, this course is designed to be taken as you go through the steps of healing.